Montana State University durum breeding program 2022 objectives
Funded by the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee since 2017, Dr. Mike Giroux’s durum program has a goal of developing durum varieties that are adapted to Montana’s growing conditions.
Funded by the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee since 2017, Dr. Mike Giroux’s durum program has a goal of developing durum varieties that are adapted to Montana’s growing conditions.
Here at the Montana Wheat and Barely Committee we stayed busy during the month of February. We didn’t find ourselves out of the state as much as we did in January, but none the less we were able to attend some notable events.
The Chinese market is one that is both exciting and frustrating for Montana small grains producers.
As you will read below, January was another crazy busy month for us here at the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee (MWBC).
On January 19th, 2022, Montana State University and Montana Wheat and Barley Committee, alongside the Varietal Release Committee met with the Plant Sciences Department to discuss the proposed wheat, barley, and durum plant releases for this upcoming growing season.
To kick of the New Year, stakeholders met with Montana State University plant breeding leadership to discuss and vote on four possible crop releases.
Over the holidays I was able to travel to Costa Rica for a family vacation. A region I am quite unfamiliar with, brought many eye-opening cultural experiences.
One of Montana’s most consistent trading partners is Taiwan. Taiwan is a very quality sensitive buyer, and Montana’s high protein spring wheat and low-PPO winter wheat varieties are extremely valued by end users.
Each year during the first week of December the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee’s (MWBC) board of directors conducts our annual budget meeting.
As one year comes to an end and the New Year is upon us, it’s easy to look back in amazement and wonder how the previous year flew by so quickly.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3024
300 Park Dr. S., Suite 104
Great Falls, MT 59403-3024
Phone: (406) 761-7732
Fax: (406) 761-7851
Email: wbc@mt.gov
The Montana Wheat & Barley Committee promotes local research and develops trade markets around the world.