Mexico and Montana barley
The names Pacifico, Corona, and Sol may conjure up images of sandy beaches and palm trees for most people, but many do not know the base of those delicious brands are deeply rooted in the high mountain desert of Montana.
The names Pacifico, Corona, and Sol may conjure up images of sandy beaches and palm trees for most people, but many do not know the base of those delicious brands are deeply rooted in the high mountain desert of Montana.
The Montana Wheat & Barley Committee collects two unique data sets. Checkoff assessments are reported monthly and are shown below by the yellow line which is displayed as a million-bushel measurement. Additionally, elevators are required to report the volumes of grain leaving their locations as well as its destination.
The Philippines have seen a tremendous period of growth in the past decade and wheat imports have been a major benefactor of this growth.
The wheat stem sawfly (WSS) is the major pest of wheat grown in Montana and is a key pest throughout the northern Great Plains.
The Wheat Marketing Center (WMC), located in the historic Albers Mill Building in Portland, Oregon, serves as a bridge between wheat growers and consumers. Funded by the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC) for nearly 30 years, the WMC provides many services to both producers and end users.
After inviting the public to help name three new publicly released wheat varieties and one new barley variety, the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee (MWBC) and Montana State University Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Department (MSU) is announcing the highly awaited results.
Your checkoff dollars at work Before I dive into the data, I cannot forget the long-time member of District 6, Denise Conover, who was not able to participate in the
It’s official, spring is here and producers from around the state are gearing up for another growing season. I’ve had the opportunity to chat with a few folks from around the state and it appears many are planning to start dropping seed in the ground the first week of April.
2022 planting decisions have puzzled producers, waiting to see if things change. If it rains, if the war ends, and if costs of production lower.
The last day of March is considered a holiday in our office as the awaited USDA prospective planting numbers are released.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3024
300 Park Dr. S., Suite 104
Great Falls, MT 59403-3024
Phone: (406) 761-7732
Fax: (406) 761-7851
Email: wbc@mt.gov
The Montana Wheat & Barley Committee promotes local research and develops trade markets around the world.