Market Development
Market development is the second leg of investment for producers across Montana. The Montana Wheat & Barley Committee works closely with U.S. Wheat Associates and U.S. Grains Council to reinforce existing trade relationships while fostering new buyers for the Montana grain industry.
On average, MWBC assigns about 30% of its entire budget to marketing development.
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At least a dozen or more trade teams from regions around the world visit Montana for trade visits every year. From Mexico to Japan to Taiwan and beyond, teams are coordinated by partners such as U.S. Wheat Associates or U.S. Grains Council. Trade Teams begin to coordinate their visits through U.S. Wheat/U.S. Grains in early spring and we typically begin to hear about scheduling in May for booking throughout the summer months.
Trade teams run a tight schedule. Most of them are visiting a variety of states producing the same classes of wheat. They may stop in Washington, Idaho or Colorado before arriving in Montana. During their time with us, we bring them to the field whenever possible so they can experience a Montana crop from the ground. They greatly enjoy meeting farm family members while experiencing the Montana way of life. If teams come through Great Falls, we share the Montana State Grain Lab with them; similarly if they come through Bozeman, they’ll spend time at MSU’s plant sciences labs and growth center. Regardless of the location, we make every attempt to visit a first-purchaser (elevator) and a brewery if time allows.
For companies interested in sponsoring trade team dinners, call Kent Kupfner at the MWBC office: 406-761-7732.

Selling to global markets for 70 years
Customer Timeline (previous 10 years to current)
Determined by the business topic, MWBC board members and staff travel on trade missions to visit current and prospective customers. For example, a Mexico trade mission largely focuses on malt barley while a Taiwan trade mission might focus on hard red spring/winter wheat.
The Montana Department of Commerce will also visit overseas customers, and will often include the Montana grain industry when wheat or barley trade opportunities arise. This collaborative effort between agencies has been fruitful. As an example, Montana established a sister state relationship with Kumamoto, Japan in 1982. Japan is by far the largest buyer of Montana wheat.
In 2023, MWBC visited customers and attended meetings in Mexico, Japan, Guatemala, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China, Peru, Columbia and Ecuador.


End Use Qualities Elevate US Wheat
MWBC supports the Wheat Marketing Center in Portland, OR. This premier lab provides technical training and grower workshops, innovative research, product development, and crop quality testing services.