At the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee, we promote local research and develop trade markets around the world.
Grant awards focus on agricultural study and related needs for research projects. MWBC will consider those projects which might improve wheat and barley quality and production, along with best farm practices. These will be reviewed each fall for award in the consecutive calendar year.
In addition, sponsorships of $2500 or less are awarded to qualifying applicants each quarter.
Sponsorships -- Next Open Window Apr. 1-15, 2025 -- Awards $2500 & Less
Sponsorship awards are an important part of the MWBC mission, with particular attention to those activities, events or projects which align with our mission. That entire mission is noted on the home page, or jump to the Education Page for additional background about telling our grain story.
Sponsorships are awarded quarterly: January, April, July and October. Awards are limited to $2,500 per entity and must support the MWBC mission. When funding is depleted, no further applications shall be accepted for that quarter.
Funding in Tiers II, III and IV will require a five minute maximum-length video answering these questions:
- What is the study?
- How many years will the study take?
- Why is it important?
- What are the anticipated results?
Share your video link with Tammy at via OneDrive. Video shall be in MP4 format only. Present your data as if the viewer has no prior knowledge of the topic and keep visual aids to a minimum. Tips for a successful presentation are here.
This form is only for research grant requests $2501+. Expect to fill out all elements required of this form including complete contact information (first tab) and complete project information (second tab).
This form is for non-research applications $2501+ and does not include applications pertaining to associations (dues-paying), research or sponsorships. Please see our other forms for those categories.
This form is only for membership organizations (dues-paying) requesting funding $2501+ for support of their programs and services. Your submission should describe why your program matters to your target beneficiary and: annual goal(s) established, scope, program implementation, and methods to measure program success for those categories.

Tier I
CORE: Critical Ongoing Research Efforts
- Varietal Development, Genomics, Wheat Stem Sawfly, Quality Labs
Tier II
Agronomic Best Practices
- Crop rotation work, nutrient efficiencies, carbon studies, precision agriculture
Tier III
Combative weed, pest, disease innovation and product development
- Wireworms, sawfly, midge, herbicide
Tier IV
End use product innovations
New Projects: (Tiers II, III and IV)
Newly funded multi-year projects may apply for up to three years of funding with a sliding scale. Upon funding of year 1, years 2-3 will be reevaluated for continued support.
- Year 1: 100% funding
- Year 2: 75% funding
- Year 3: 50% funding
*Use of MWBC funding to leverage additional outside grants, depending on project scale will be necessary to continue multi-year projects. Please describe in detail potential grant opportunities with preliminary data.
*If privately owned technologies are being utilized, match funding is required.
*Exceptions can be made at the MWBC Board of Director’s discretion.
Typical Funding Allocation
*Amount will be determined annually, on average $1.5 million available
- Tier I 60-70%
- Tier II 12.5%
- Tier III 12.5%
- Tier IV 5%
Cumulative Reports
The links below are Microsoft Excel (.xls) spreadsheets listing past projects funded by the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee
Helpful Tips for Building Your Video Pitch
We like these recommendations for shaping great pitch videos for your research project.
- You will receive an award letter specifying the amount of the funding.
- If you are a new grantee or have made any changes (name, address, etc.) you must fill out and submit a W-9 Form .
- You will submit a copy of your worker’s compensation certificate or letter of exemption (ex: you only work with volunteers) that must be submitted either with the first invoice or sooner.
- You will submit an invoice along with any documentation about your project (flyers, publications, pictures) in order to receive your awarded funds.
- Submit invoice to Tammy: