Taiwan Visit
MWBC trade visit to Taiwan.
MWBC trade visit to Taiwan.
Sam Anderson attending the fall 2023 MAES meeting in Bozeman.
Ag banquet, breakfast and tailgate at Montana State University networking with ag producers across the state.
Kent Kupfner joins board members Max Cederberg and Keven Bradley in Cincinnati for US Wheat's fall board meeting.
Held in Billings, the annual Montana Farm Bureau Convention gathers producers together for networking, education and policy discussions.
Members travel to southeast Asia for market development exploration and customer visits.
Team members visit several countries in northern Asia for wheat marketing opportunities.
Team members visit several countries in South America for wheat and barley market opportunities.
The second of two fall meetings, this gathering covers finalization of research grant approvals. Great Falls.
Held in Great Falls at Montana ExpoPark, the MGGA convention will gather grain producers from across Montana. Education, policy and networking along with a robust trade show. MWBC will host a booth at this convention.