All Crop Directory Posted
The Montana Seed Growers Association has posted their 2024 certified seed directory. Check it out here.
The Montana Seed Growers Association has posted their 2024 certified seed directory. Check it out here.
Continuing the focus on expanding market development opportunities for Montana’s Wheat & Barley producers and highlighting the high-quality traits of one of Montana’s top commodities, MWBC Executive Director, Kent Kupfner and representatives from the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee welcomed a trade team delegation from SPC Group Korea.
Although the United States remains one of the six major global wheat exporters, our market share has been trending lower for the past 22 years. Over the past decade, the United States has given up market share to competitors such as Canada, the EU, Russia, Ukraine, and Australia.
Each year, the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC) hosts an Export and Marketing Tour which takes growers, wheat breeders, elevator managers, and other industry professionals to Portland Oregon.
China’s beer production accounts for 22% of the global beer complex. 2.6-3.0 million metric tons of malt is consumed yearly, while in 2021 12.5 million metric tons of barley for feed and malt use was imported by China.
South Korea is a highly sophisticated, quality conscious market where US Wheat enjoys a 50% to 60% market share for milling wheat.
The names Pacifico, Corona, and Sol may conjure up images of sandy beaches and palm trees for most people, but many do not know the base of those delicious brands are deeply rooted in the high mountain desert of Montana.
The Philippines have seen a tremendous period of growth in the past decade and wheat imports have been a major benefactor of this growth.
The Wheat Marketing Center (WMC), located in the historic Albers Mill Building in Portland, Oregon, serves as a bridge between wheat growers and consumers. Funded by the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC) for nearly 30 years, the WMC provides many services to both producers and end users.
The Chinese market is one that is both exciting and frustrating for Montana small grains producers.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3024
300 Park Dr. S., Suite 104
Great Falls, MT 59403-3024
Phone: (406) 761-7732
Fax: (406) 761-7851
Email: wbc@mt.gov
The Montana Wheat & Barley Committee promotes local research and develops trade markets around the world.