
The plant breeding program at Montana State University is an essential part of agriculture for the state. Montana producers choose to plant varieties developed by the program because they are specifically adapted to Montana’s climate and several are resistant to common diseases and pest found statewide. In addition, the program is in contact with organizations and buyers from around the world collecting data on the needs of the end user. 

Note the chart below which reviews some of Montana’s breeding priorities.

Take a look through our new Spring Wheat Varieties guide, hot off the press! Click on the cover image to read through the entire guide, including Montana spring wheat varieties currently in use by Montana producers,  each WQI score tested at Montana State University’s Wheat Quality Lab, and testimonials by end users.

If you would like to receive a hard copy, email us:


Choosing a modern, high yielding and disease resistant variety adapted to the growing environment is a crucial management decision. Each year, every breeding program screens around 2500 lines for evaluation. Over three stages of yield testing that take 4-5 years, lines are reduced from 100 to 30 to 10 to 5 to 1 or 2 with cultivar release potential.

Montana Crop Variety Lines-graph

Wheat Quality Council
Pacific Northwest Wheat Quality Council
MSU Cereal Quality Lab
MSU Malt Quality Lab
MSU Foundation Seed
Montana Seed Growers Association
MSU Schutter Diagnostic Lab
Montana Agriculture Research Stations

The Montana Wheat & Barley Committee partners with a multitude of entities to ensure best possible outcomes.

Our partners screen new lines to determine agronomic and end-use viability. This information helps guarantee that new releases will have excellent agronomic characteristics, as well as superior milling and baking qualities. 

Crop Reports

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