Conover Retires from Montana Wheat & Barley Committee

Finishing three terms, Denise Conover of Broadview, MT is hanging up her work boots with the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee (MWBC). The summer MWBC board meeting June 24 included a special event honoring Conover’s commitment to Montana producers and her work over the past nine years. US Wheat Associates (USW) President Vince Peterson also attended the meeting and gathering, where he discussed global wheat markets.

         “Montana has been fortunate to benefit from so many top agricultural leaders,” said Kent Kupfner, MWBC executive director. “Denise has contributed enormously to sharing the Montana producer’s story with buyers around the world, and she is passionate about educating the public about where their food comes from. We are throwing her a party to thank her for her dedication.”

         Like all MWBC board members, Conover was appointed by Montana’s governor – in 2015, that was Governor Steve Bullock. “I was surprised to receive the invitation,” Conover said while reminiscing. “I didn’t know much about what was to come: the connections I’d soon develop helping my fellow Montanans or the friends I would make which will last a lifetime. I really had no idea how important Montana is to the global wheat picture. It has been a great honor to serve our farmers.”

         Running a no-till practice today to benefit soil conservation and moisture retention, the Conover family plants winter wheat, spring wheat, malt barley and sunflowers. “To stay in business these days, you have to watch your bottom line, but always raise a good quality product for our domestic and overseas customers,” Conover said. She noted that diversifying their crop selection has been good for the farm’s sustainability.

Conover’s farm is in southcentral Montana, seven miles east of Broadview where she runs the operation with her two sons: Chad, Craig and their families. She and her late husband, Bret also have two daughters, Brooke (Gierke) of Miles City and Kendra (Eaton); both girls have heartstrings tied to the farm and help when needed.Bret’s father started the farm after returning home as a prisoner of World War II in 1944. Denise and Bret took over management upon his retirement in 1978 when they began farming and raising a family.

         With a few stories under her belt, Conover is most fond of her time hosting trade teams, where it is “great to get to know our customers one-on-one and bring them to the farm.” She said that the size and capacity of farm equipment fascinates teams. “It always amazes me the things we take for granted in Montana like big open fields of grain,” she added. “At the end of the day, we both [producers and buyers] have one goal and that is to feed the world.”

         Terry Angvick, chairman of the MWBC board, said that Conover has been instrumental in her leadership with the committee. “She handed me the gavel last October and those are big shoes to fill,” he said, as Conover was previously chairwoman. “The efforts of this committee are a critical function of Montana’s farm economy. Denise always has such a keen sense for what Montana producers need and she drew upon that sense in her role here.” Angvick said that while they will miss Conover, he hopes that many will come celebrate her tenure. “And I’m sure we’ll find another duty for her down the road!” he joked.

For more information regarding serving on the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee, email or call 406-761-7732.

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