By Kent Kupfner 2-1-25
US Wheat Associates
The largest single recipient of MWBC financial support is US Wheat Associates (USW), the group responsible for overseas promotion and market development. MWBC highly values the work done by USW and much of our focus and day-to-day activities revolve around supporting and aiding in the implementation of the USW mission.
Director Lee Dahlman and MWBC staff attended the joint USW/National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) winter board meeting in Washington DC and participated in sessions dedicated to long range planning, wheat quality and an overview of the current status of gene-edited wheat. The director of the USDA’s Agricultural Trade Office in Shanghai and Beijing, China presented her perspective on working with USW overseas offices and discussed opportunities to expand wheat sales into the Chinese market. The budget committee reported that USW finances are on solid footing and recent USDA awards under the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) will be utilized to develop emerging wheat markets specifically focused on Africa.

We joined the MGGA officers and staff on Capitol Hill to meet Montana’s congressional representatives and offered input on the importance of exports markets for Montana’s wheat and barley producers. We wrapped up the day participating in “Wheat 101,” a networking session educating Hill members and staff on the importance of wheat production for domestic food security and as an important driver of the US economy.
The USW winter board meeting wrapped up with presentations on the wheat life cycle assessment study, a NAWG update, food aid program, US and global market fundamentals, 2024 crop quality reports and overseas seminars. MWBC was given time on the agenda to show our Sawfly Solutions video “teaser.” It was well received, gathered numerous compliments from our peer organizations and stimulated considerable conversations about sawfly research and infestation issues prevailing in multiple wheat-producing states.
Convention Season Continues
MWBC was delighted to attend and set up our booth and malting display at the Montana Grain Elevator Assn. (MGEA)/Montana Agribusiness Assn. (MABA) joint convention. Similar to the MGGA convention, we baked bread using Montana flour. This annual event is a great opportunity to network with commercial grain companies that handle much of Montana’s grain production while helping collect and report MWBC assessments. Updates from the Montana Department of Agriculture, hearty visits with the Montana State Grain Lab and presentations by Burlington Northern generated considerable discussion and constructive input from grain industry representatives. We also had the pleasure to meet Jillien Streit of Chester, the new director of agriculture, and we are certain we are in good hands moving forward with her leadership skills, business acumen and good character.
Montana Wheat Stocks and Winter Wheat Acres
All wheat stocks in Montana on December 1, 2024, were 138.7 million bushels, up 12 percent from the same time last year. All wheat stocks stored on farms amounted to 103.0 million bushels, up 17 percent. All wheat stored off farms amounted to 35.7 million bushels, up less than 1 percent from a year ago.
During the fall of 2024, Montana producers seeded an estimated 2.25 million acres, a 15 percent increase over the previous fall. Relatively favorable seeding conditions and multiple years of strong winter versus spring wheat yields are often cited as factors driving the increase in winter wheat acres. Even though the crop is dormant, the most recent USDA crop progress report listed conditions as 5 percent poor, 52 percent fair, 39 percent good and 3 percent excellent. These ratings are significantly lower than the previous two years and we hope to see those numbers improve as spring approaches.
Upcoming Activities
Next month MWBC staff and directors will be attending meetings including Montana Seed Growers Association, National Barley Growers Association, MSU Variety Release, US Grains Council, Wheat Foods Council and Wheat Quality Council. I have been asked to present at the Next Gen Conference in Shelby and we’ll also attend the Golden Triangle Barley Seminar in Conrad.
Let’s hope Mother Nature continues to send us more winter moisture. Please be safe driving, delivering grain, or mechanicing in the shop. MWBC will continue working with your best interests in mind.