State-sponsored data collection via surveys is the most vital effort for the small grain industry in the Treasure State. The Montana Wheat and Barley Committee via your check-off dollars, sponsors sample collection, a variety survey, research surveys, and overall National Agricultural Statistics Service data collection. This data brings unbiased transparency to the industry that is leveraged for overseas programming, research, and market development funding.
Surveys in Progress: Small Grains Variety Survey with Trait Index

The use of this survey targets all aspects of wheat and barley production. Overseas buyers look at the trending varieties to tune their mills and determine milling and baking properties. Plant breeders use the results to see how producers have planted specific varieties and what they are looking for in a new variety. Seed dealers use the data to look at potential strategies for next year’s seed production. Farmers are also able to see what varieties are grown in their area and make potential changes based on regional performance.
Below is an analysis from an overseas buyer on the qualities of Montana varieties with targets. This is used to bring feedback to breeders to meet the needs of our top customers.

Sawfly Impact Survey:
Montana is playing a key role in a multi-state Wheat Stem Sawfly survey, alongside Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Kansas. The goal of this project is to increase awareness of issues and associated losses caused by Wheat Stem Sawflies. The survey will examine both producers who’ve struggled with the insect for many years and those who are seeing the damage for the first time. Ultimately, we hope that our efforts will lead to increased federal funding for further research.
Participate Here:

Coming Soon: Sampling Programs

For 2 decades the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee has collected new crop samples from elevators, grain bins, and combines. In partnership with National Agricultural Statistics Service, Plaines Grains, North Dakota State University, Federal Grain Inspection Service, U.S Wheat Associates and Wheat Marketing Center.
Nationwide we collect:
80 Samples of Barley
800 Samples of Spring Wheat
210 Samples of Durum
522 Samples of Winter Wheat

Participation in these efforts directly benefits Montana farmers through overseas marketing programs in over 30 overseas offices meeting with buyers daily.
Call to Action:
When a NASS enumerator comes to your elevator, farmstead or gives you a call, please know that these efforts are to help you! Answer their questions honestly and offer to help in anyway. This data is used and viewed all over the world and helps keep Montana a top wheat and barley state.