June was a productive and busy month for the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC) and we’re so happy and motivated to see such promising crops around most of Montana. We were invited to present a virtual market update to representatives of the Japanese milling industry. We specifically discussed the U.S. Hard Red Winter (HRW) wheat supply and demand situation and focused on Montana crop conditions and production forecasts as well. We had the opportunity to also share this presentation during MGGA’s recent board meeting and Farm Bureau’s summer meeting in Bozeman. This was a perfect chance for each of these agricultural groups to see first-hand the type of market information we provide to our overseas customers. This is an important part of the MWBC mission as the Japanese HRW demand represents 40% of Montana’s average yearly HRW production.
Trade Teams

Our trade team visits kicked off in style this month with visits from Taiwan Flour Miller’s Association (TFMA) and a Korean Crop Survey Team. We’re confident each of their visits was productive, and they returned home with a better understanding of Montana crop conditions, supply forecasts, and a better understanding of Montana’s contribution to the wheat supply chain. The trade teams always enjoy touring farms and getting to meet local producers. While TFMA was in Montana, the Association purchased 56,000 metric tons (2.1 million bushels) of U.S. wheat for August shipment! Most of this wheat cargo will originate on Montana farms.
In addition to trade team visits, we had a chance to share and explain the mission of the MWBC with the attendees of Montana State University President Cruzado’s Bus Tour group at the Kammerzell farm research plots in Chester and as well as to a group from REAL Montana. These are always great opportunities to meet the outreach and education objectives of the MWBC.
Out & About
Representing the MWBC at a rail Coalition meeting with the BNSF offered a good chance to gain perspective on the national rail transportation situation. This also allowed stakeholders to address issues unique to the Montana grain industry.
We’re looking forward to multiple field days around the state. Plot tours sponsored by the MSU Agricultural Experiment Stations (MAES) as well as multiple private industry tours will give us a chance to meet with growers and tour some promising new wheat and barley varieties.
Looking forward, we will be attending U.S. Wheat meetings in Minneapolis and hosting at least 5 more trade teams. In addition, the MWBC has been invited to speak on behalf of Montana’s wheat producers to attendees of the North American Miller’s Convention which will take place this fall at Big Sky.
Best of luck with the rest of the growing season and we’re all looking forward to a safe and successful harvest.