Author: Jason Laird

Each year, the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC) hosts an Export and Marketing Tour which takes growers, wheat breeders, elevator managers, and other industry professionals to Portland Oregon. The goal of the trip is to shine light on what happens once grain leaves a farm here in Montana. The trip also highlights the importance of quality and the significance it has on our export markets.
The main stop on the tour is the Wheat Marketing Center, (WMC) which is located in the historic Albers Mill building in Portland, Oregon. The WMC serves as an educational facility for both growers and buyers of U.S. Wheat. While on the tour, the WMC breaks down different wheat classes, demonstrates various baking processes, and provides an in depth look at the baking industry. To learn even more about the WMC, check out their partner spotlight on our news feed.

The yearly Portland tour also provides an in depth look at grain exports. This year we toured the United Grain terminal and learned the logistics of grain shipment. Arguably one of the more exciting portions of the trip was getting the opportunity to ride on a tugboat. While on the water, the group had the chance to see firsthand the importance barge movement and how utilizing waterways along with rail, helps to keep grain shipment more competitive. A few of the other memorable take aways for this year’s trip were a tour of a commercial bakery and learning the science behind brewing beer.

This yearly Export and Marketing Tour is incredibly helpful in educating both growers and industry professionals on the logistics of grain trade and marketing. We encourage you to check out our YouTube page for a more detailed look at this year’s tour and listen to grower feedback of the trip. If you or someone you know is interest in attending, please don’t hesitate to reach out.