Winter is coming! This weeks Montana State University’s Bobcat football game against Weber State Wildcats is looking to be a snow and sleet game. For Montana State’s annual celebrate ag weekend, the agriculture enthusiast will be cheering extra loud in excitement. We hope to see you there! Read the full crop progress report below.

AGRICULTURAL SUMMARY: Montana experienced another week of above average temperatures and minimal rainfall, according
to the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. This week, counties along the western
border received no measurable precipitation. Counites along the eastern border were dry as well, with rainfall totals less than a tenth of
an inch. The central portion of the State received between 0.1 and 0.25 inches of rainfall, with localized areas receiving upwards of 0.3
inches. Average daily temperatures this week ranged from 2 to 5 degrees above average for most of the State. Counties along the
western border and some counties in the central portion of the State were much warmer, with average daily temperatures 5 to 10
degrees above average. Drought conditions in the State remained similar to last week. According to the United States Drought
Monitor for October 13, 2022, 89.6 percent of the State is experiencing drought conditions, unchanged from last week. The amount of
land rated as abnormally dry was 16.8 percent, compared to 16.7 percent last week. Moderate drought was present across 31.6 percent
of the State, compared to 31.7 percent of the State last week. Severe drought conditions decreased slightly from 29.0 percent last week
to 27.9 percent of the State this week. Extreme drought conditions increased to cover 13.3 percent of the State, compared to 12.2
percent last week. Mineral, Missoula, and Ravalli Counties experienced mild weather this week. Producers were beginning to use
irrigated fall pastures and hay harvest is finishing up. Wildfires are continuing to burn in southern Ravalli County, however, there is
snow forecasted for the upcoming weekend. Wibaux County remains very dry and needs moisture going into the winter. Producers in
Broadwater County are harvesting a third cutting of hay. Potato harvest in the county is still underway and there are reports that yields
are higher than average. Corn harvesting is slightly behind last year. Corn harvested for grain is 40 percent complete this week,
compared to 45 percent complete this time last year and corn harvested for silage is 83 percent complete this week, compared to 94
percent complete this time last year. Winter wheat planting continues ahead of last year, as does emergence of the crop. Planting is 89
percent complete, compared to 76 percent complete this time last year and emergence is at 63 percent, compared to 48 percent
emerged this time last year.