The chill of an early fall

A look back at September

A look back at September

Author: Jason Laird

As harvest comes to an end and growers shift their attention to fall planting, I think we owe it to ourselves to take a deep breath and reflect on this past growing season. In true Montana fashion, Mother Nature was less than accommodating once again this year. The state was plagued by extreme drought, damaging floods, severe hail, and let’s not forget the insects. Despite the challenges, growers in the Treasure State prevailed by raising the high-quality crop that Montana has become known for around the world.

The month of September was a bit quieter here at the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC) offices. The less hectic month was utilized to catch up on projects that had taken a back seat during the busy summer months. Some of the major projects we have in the mix are an educational activity tailored to fourth through sixth graders, our new website, and a spring wheat dashboard. We’ll have more to come on all these projects as they near completion.

The 2023 Research Grant Cycle is officially open and will remain so until October 14th. This year the MWBC is asking researchers to provide a short video explaining the importance of their projects and how they plan to achieve the desired results. These videos will be reviewed at our October board meeting and funding decisions will be made in December.

Finally, the search has begun for our next fearless leader. As you know, Cassidy Marn left her position as Executive Vice President of the MWBC in July. If you or someone you know is interested in this position, we encourage you to check out the listing at

Crop Reports

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