Your checkoff dollars at work
Author: Sam Anderson
The 2022 Wheat and Barley Variety Survey reports are now available. Funded by the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC), these reports were conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Mountain Regional Office. This information is used to help guide breeding programs in selecting varieties that will ultimately increase farm profitability and end-use marketability of Montana-grown crops.
“The varietal survey provides MSU wheat and barley breeding programs with valuable producer feedback that can be utilized to develop cultivars that will continue to drive international markets toward Montana,” said Sam Anderson Market Development Director of the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee.
Producers participating in the survey ranked Warhorse as the top winter wheat variety, Vida as the top spring wheat variety, Alzada as the top durum wheat variety, and AC Metcalfe as the top malting barley variety. Wheat and Barley Variety Survey Reports are available online at the USDA NASS website at Click Here to view the MT Wheat Varieties Report. Click Here to view the MT Barley Varieties Report.

Trait index survey results show what farmers are looking for when deciding what variety to select. Besides yield and protein, farmers are looking for drought tolerance, sawfly resistance, high test weight and early maturing traits. Montana growers have been going through extreme drought making varietal decisions vital to their farm’s success.

Comparing the farmer profitability since last year, we saw a 17.4% increase in declining expected profitability and a 16.6% increase in a worse off financial status for treasure state farmers.
As farmers wrap up harvest this year, the Wheat and Barley Committee and Montana Department of Agriculture encourage them to reach out to extension agents, agronomists, and seed dealers to discuss available options to grow the highest quality grain possible.