Here at the Montana Wheat and Barely Committee we stayed busy during the month of February. We didn’t find ourselves out of the state as much as we did in January, but none the less we were able to attend some notable events.
To start the month off Cassidy and myself attended the Grain Craft Growers Meeting in Great Falls. This was a great opportunity to learn more about what Grain Craft is looking for in terms of wheat quality. They also spoke on the milling differences of various wheat varieties.
The Northern Crop Institute hosted their annual Food Barley Course. Sam and I attended the virtual event which consisted of presentations and live question and answer sessions. This course certainly helped to broaden our understanding regarding the possibilities of food barley.

All three of us attended the U.S. Dry Pea and Lentil Research Review meeting in Bozeman. Our goal for attending this meeting was to see how other checkoff organizations handle research reviews. This also gave us insight as to the research priorities of pulse crop producers. While in Bozeman we were able to swing by the Montana State University Seed Lab as well as the Montana State University Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Department.
Sam and I attended the Golden Triangle Barley Conference in Conrad. The meeting provided a great overview of the barley industry throughout the state as well as overseas. Over 80 people attended this presentation.

Cassidy did make it out of the state this month and attended the Wheat Quality Council meeting in Kansas City. The meeting provided great information as to the overall quality of U.S. wheat.
And to wrap up, talk about a wild temperature ride last month! Throughout the state we saw temperatures well into the 50s and as low as 30 below. I’m not sure if Mother Nature has a sense of humor or felt we needed a reminder of just how inconsistent our weather can be here in Montana.
Have a happy and prosperous March!