A look back at January
As you will read below, January was another crazy busy month for us here at the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee (MWBC). Despite the ever-changing travel landscape, our staff, alongside some of our directors, were able to attend conferences in person this last month. A few of the highlights were the IGP Institute at Kansas State University and the US Wheat Associates annual meeting in Washington D.C.

Max Cederberg of District 2 attended the International Grains Program and learned just about everything there is to know about flour milling. Max got his hands dirty working in the Hal Ross Flour Mill and was able to test out various wheat varieties in the baking lab. Check out our Facebook page or YouTube Channel to see the behind-the-scenes video.

Charlie Bumgarner of District 5, along with Denise Conover of District 6, gave Montana producers a voice at the 2022 US Wheat Associates meeting in D.C. The conference was a great opportunity to get up to date with international policy and trade relations.
As always, you can check out the latest news and information at montanawbc.com. For even more content from the MWBC, follow our social media channels.
-Jason Laird
A look back at January…
- January 3-7—District 2 Director Max Cederberg alongside Jason and Sam attended the International Grains Program Flour Milling Course in Manhattan, KS. The group learned the ins and outs of flour milling and just how important quality is when it comes to end use applications.
- January 4—Agritourism is a growing industry in the state. Cassidy and Jason have been attending a multi week series on this newer trend.
- January 10-14—Despite the everchanging travel landscape, District 5 Director Charlie Bumgarner, District 6 Director Denise Conover, alongside Cassidy and Jason attended the US Wheat Associates meeting in Washington D.C.
- January 18-20—Wheat Foods Council went virtual this year and was attended by District 6 Director Denise Conover and Jason.
- January 19—The Foundation Seed Advisory Council and MSU Varietal Release Committee met to review the potential 2022 seed releases. Sam attended the meeting in Bozeman.
- January 20—Sam presented to the Young Ag Couples Conference in Helena.
- January 21—The Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce hosted their annual Ag Banquet. Jason was this year’s Master of Ceremony.
- January 25 – Jason attended the Montana Economic Outlook Seminar in Great Falls.
- January 26-28—The entire MWBC crew attended the Montana Agriculture Business Association and Montana Grain Elevator Association joint conference in Great Falls.
- January 26-28—The Pacific Northwest Wheat Quality Council met virtually this year and Cassidy was in attendance.
- January 28— Cassidy virtually attended the US Grains Council State Staff meeting.